
Defrag-Europe: fragility/antifragility at play in contemporary Europe. June 16 — 18, 2022 (Milan, Italy)


Call for panels and abstracts

EURA 2022 welcomes scholars in the field of urban studies to contribute with panels and abstracts to the following 11 tracks. Topics addressed in the tracks are not exclusive; they intend to inspire discussions and exchanges of innovative ideas and knowledge. Please feel free to suggest issues and perspectives that can dialogue with this call for abstracts. The call is also open to the proposal for special sessions (panels) within each track.

Segnaliamo in particolare la seguente track 01:

Track 01 / Marginalized territories of Europe
chair: Francesco Curci, Agim Kerkucu + Ignazio Vinci

The Track proposes to explore the emerging geographies and processes of marginalization and fragilization within the European space. The track is open to contributions dedicated to rural and inner areas, but also to in-between urbanized areas, midsize cities and deindustrialized regions that face new (and unexpected) processes of marginalization and fragilization after decades of demographic and economic growth or stability. Particular attention is addressed to the themes of depopulation, under-use, and abandonment of the built stock, but also economic and cultural impoverishment and the reduction in the supply of essential public services.

The contributions will address the following questions:

How to provide updated representations of processes of marginalization and fragilization occurring all over Europe?
What new and old demographic, economic, spatial, environmental, social, and political conditions generate processes of marginalization and fragilization?
How to redesign spatial policies able to cope with processes of marginalization/fragilization underway today in the European context?